The Path to Financial Freedom

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Aos 26 anos, falido e cheio de dívidas, Bodo Schäfer decidiu que era altura de revolucionar as suas finanças. Com a ajuda de um mentor, em menos de quatro anos conseguiu reequilibrar as contas e adquirir um património respeitável. Bodo criou um conjunto de técnicas não só para enriquecer, mas também para estabelecer uma relação equilibrada com o dinheiro. Constatou que as pessoas mais felizes são as que cultivam uma relação harmoniosa entre os seus sonhos, valores e objetivos, e é sobre essa base que devemos construir a nossa riqueza. Depois do sucesso na Alemanha, onde o seu livro esteve 14 semanas no top de vendas, Bodo Schäfer está a conquistar todo o mundo com o seu novo método para criar riqueza. Este livro revela, passo a passo, os princípios fundamentais desse método para fazer a sua riqueza aumentar.

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At 26, bankrupt and in debt, Bodo Schäfer decided it was time to revolutionize his finances. With the help of a mentor, in less than four years he managed to rebalance his accounts and acquire respectable assets. Bodo created a set of techniques not only to enrich, but also to establish a balanced relationship with money. He found that the happiest people are those who cultivate a harmonious relationship between their dreams, values ​​and goals, and it is on this basis that we must build our wealth. After success in Germany, where his book spent 14 weeks at the top of sales, Bodo Schäfer is conquering the world with his new method of creating wealth. This book reveals, step by step, the fundamental principles of this method to increase your wealth.

In this book you will learn how to:

• Take responsibility for your finances, leaving your comfort zone.

• Face problems as opportunities for growth, building the habit of not giving up in the face of failures.

• Increase your earnings with new sources of income.

• Saving consciously and effectively.

• Start with conservative investments and gradually increase the risk of your investments.

• Build your goose that lays golden eggs, making your money work for you through the investments that best suit your profile.

• Published in 25 countries. Over 3 million books sold.

• From Europe’s # 1 millionaire and financial coach .

• The Road to Financial Freedom is changing the lives of many people and could also change yours.

Additional information:

Cover: Soft Cover
Date of 1st edition: August 5, 2015
Dimensions: 16 x 23 cm
Number of pages: 256

Book written in portuguese

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