• How to use the wisdom of the Bible to transform your career and your business.
There are those who believe that it is wrong to enrich or improve life. Due to historical and cultural factors, there is some prejudice against wealth. It is time to change that mindset. From a deep study of the Bible, William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira show that it is full of lessons for those who want to grow professionally and consolidate these lessons in the 25 biblical laws of success. Meet some of them:
• The Law of Sowing says that we reap what we sow. Everything we do comes back to us in some way. We are free to sow or not, and to choose what we sow, but our life is a consequence of our choices.
• The Labor Law is clear: success comes from work. And the work begins with the search for knowledge. One of the professional pitfalls is trying to get away from work or perform tasks without committing to them.
• The Bran Law, which deals with the importance of good companies, got its name because of a saying: “Whoever walks with pigs, eat bran.” This law must be applied in personal and professional life, as Warren Buffett warns: “You can’t do good business with bad people.”
• The Law of Opportunity says that everyone will have opportunities to improve their lives. Despite being affected by our social and economic origins, access to education, culture and training, we can always change our history.
Additional information:
Cover: Soft Cover
Date of 1st edition: 12 November 2014
Dimensions: 16 x 23 cm
Number of pages: 224
Book written in portuguese